Sunday, May 1, 2011

stop. breathe. look & go.

with the summer quickly approaching, i can't help but think about how time has flown by. when i was little, i heard my mother say this all the time, typically around birthdays or holidays, but i never understood it until just about now. it's when i'm seeing my close friends graduate and not just move on to college, something i've always had a certain understanding with, but to the unfamiliar & cloudy "real" world that i am flagged with a rushed & tightened feeling in my chest.  

it isn't a feeling of excitement, but neither one of anxiousness either. it's a feeling that those words "stop and smell the roses" are ones i need to re-familiarize myself with for awhile, until life seems to slow down. because although meetings & class seem to take up a majority of our days, it doesn't mean that you can't take those 15 minutes to do something completely and utterly for yourself or, occasionally, for others. it may be hard to separate blackberry from mind, but i have been told it gives a great perspective on where your fast track is headed. 

so, as many of my friends put on their cap & gowns and i think to myself, that will be me in one year, i hope that i will eventually stop freezing at the thought and start enjoying what i have. since honestly, what is the use of worrying? in my opinion, it may be the most wasted source of energy and coming from someone who worries more than what's the norm, i try to remind myself every day. 

simple as that.

stop. breathe. look. and go. 

best of luck to grads, weds (including our most famous, katherine & wills!), and all the in between, because who doesn't need a good dash of luck

in closing, a youtube video from what is to surely be my favorite artist of the summer

Ray LaMontagne - You are the Best Thing

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